NCOE Ed Foundation

The Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Educational Foundation is a non-profit corporation organized and registered under the laws of the State of Illinois. Its purpose is to accept donations, funds and resources in order to provide grants, stipends and capital improvement resources to the Norris City-Omaha-Enfield School District #3, its students and faculty members. Such grants, stipends and capital resources shall be for the purpose of enhancing the educational, social and leadership opportunities of the school district.
The Foundation was formed at the request of the School Board in late fall of 2007. Through their assistance, legal documents were filed in order to form a 501-3C non-profit tax-exempt corporation that complies with IRS rules.
The Foundation is managed by a five (5) person Board of Directors with the Superintendent and High School Principal serving in an ex-officio capacity for advisement purposes only, with no voting rights. The Foundation has written and adapted by-laws which can be accessed with a request through the Freedom of Information Act.
Some of the previous and current activities the Foundation assisted with include: renovation of the High School gym (flooring, sound system, etc.), renovation of the High School Auditorium (seating, stage improvements, sound system, etc.), paving of the High School track, administrating scholarships in memory Frank G. Blackman, James D. Price, Mary Davis Bryant, administrating donations to classrooms,basketball, volleyball, baseball, and music programs. Since its formation in 2007, through the generosity of many donors, the Foundation has administered funds totaling over $50,000.00 in scholarships, over $13,00.00 in school programs and over $220,000.00 in facility improvements.
Any patron wishing to make a donation may contact any memberof the Board of Directors, send a letter of intent to N.C.O.E. Educational Foundation, P.O. Box 213, Norris City, Illinois 62869, or call the Foundation Treasurer at (618) 559-2240 for instructions. The donor may request the donation be used for a specific purpose such as a memorial scholarship, the support of a school sponsored activity or used at the discretion of the Foundation Board. Donations may be made in memory of a family member, teacher or friend. What better way to honor them than investing in the future? The recipient selection processfor scholarships may be determined by the donor or with assistance of the school guidance department. The donor may remain anonymous to the recipient if desired.
The Foundation can accept any size or form of donation (cash, real estate, planned estate gift, insurance policy, etc.). Please check with your accountant or tax advisor in order to achieve the greatest tax benefit for your personal finances. None of the funds are used for salaries or compensation to the Directors, however funds are needed for administrating purposes such as: mailings, P.O. Box rental, filing of forms to the State of Illinois, etc.
The Foundation Board of Directors: David Gray-President, Sherry Kingston-Vice-President, Joseph Skaggs-Secretary, Roy Kissel-Treasurer, Adrea Pontius-Board member. Ex-officio members: Matthew Vollman-Superintendent, Bradford Wellerman-High School Principal.